In the USA
Thanks to a dedicated partner in the USA, we can handle all the customs formalities involved in the shipment of wines and spirits to individuals in the USA.
Alabama, Utah, New Hampshire, North Dakota and South Dakota are not served. Alaska and Hawaii are subject to surcharges due to access difficulties.

In China
With our local partner, a specialist in retail distribution, we take care of all customs formalities, under the simplified customs clearance procedure authorized by the Chinese government.
In this context, the conditions to be fulfilled are: to provide the identity card of the recipient, not to exceed 3 boxes of 6 bottles per recipient, for a maximum value of 250 euros per package.
The profession of freight forwarder is regulated in terms of access and practice. (Article R1411-1 of the Transport Code)The services that can be offered by a freight forwarder are as follows:
• groupage: shipments of goods from several consignors or to several consignees are brought together and made up into a single consignment for transport,
• chartering: shipments are entrusted to public carriers without prior consolidation,
• city office: the freight forwarder takes charge of parcels or retail shipments and hands them over separately either to public carriers or to other freight forwarders.
• organisation of transport: the freight forwarder takes charge of goods coming from or going to the national territory and arranges for them to be transported by one or more public carriers by any means whatsoever.
The DREAL keeps and manages the register of freight forwarders. It is subject to two conditions: professional competence and good repute.
The certificate of professional competence held by Erwan and Marjolaine Leteurtre for Hillebrand Gori eShipping distinguishes us from agents whose service is limited to that of an intermediary, without the obligation of result that we impose on ourselves as forwarding agents, but also without contractual civil liability cover for the goods transported.