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Renewal of your FDA number in the USA

12 October 2020
4 minutes of reading

October 1, 2020 will start the new FDA registration renewal season. Hillebrand Gori eShipping will assist you in all your steps.

What is an FDA Number?

Food producer or establishment registration with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is required for facilities that manufacture, process, package, or hold food products, including alcoholic beverages such as wine. This means that if your business is a winery that produces, blends and/or stores wine, it will be required to register with the FDA for food facility registration, even overseas.

How do I get an FDA number?

A winemaker can register with the FDA, but will need to inform a « US agent » designated as a referent for the US market (this can be your importer, sales agent etc). This US-based agent has to validate the registration. Once your FDA number is created, registration must be renewed with the FDA at the end of each even-numbered year (2020, 2022, etc.). If a registration is not renewed by December 31 of the even-numbered year, the registration will terminate or expire in the FDA system. A new record must then be filed. Hillebrand Gori eShipping can register your FDA number.

I already have an FDA number. What if I want to entrust Hillebrand Gori eShipping with the management?

Please have your FDA number and its associated PIN code ready. We will do what is necessary. Beware: without the PIN code we will not be able to carry out this procedure.

A new additional verification step: Unique Facility Identifier (UFI) and Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)

As of October 1, 2022, each establishment will be recognized by a unique identification number (UFI) to avoid duplicate registrations. The FDA recognizes the Data Universal Numbering System D-U-N-S as an acceptable UFI number. Hillebrand Gori eShipping can check your DUNS number or obtain one for you.   For more information : Contact us by email : france.eshipping@hillebrandgori.com or by phone at +339 80 80 20 20 Photo credit: Adobe Stock - @Ozgur Coskun Copywriting : Hui-na ZHENG - eShipping

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